These frequently asked questions will help you quickly find the information you need. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us.
It is an item that has yet to be released. By pre-ordering, you secure an item, and it will be shipped out to you when it has been released. Very Popular and/or limited items may pre-sell out, and not be available unless you booked your item through a pre-order. Pre-ordering is the only way to guarantee that you will receive an item you really want. When merchandise arrives, pre-orders are first to be fulfilled!
All pre-orders must be paid in full at the time of checkout.
If you want to cancel a pre-order you can within 24 hours by writing directly to us. Since we order from or supplier in your name it’s not possible for us to cancel our order because our supplier does not authorize it.
If an item is more than twelve (12) months late from the expected release-date, you may contact us to cancel your order without penalty.
It is an already released item that has been sold out but we have been able to reorder it again. Back-ordering allows you to get this item as soon as it has comes back in stock.